A brief recap: Since arriving at Ocean Villas Luz in August 2020, writer David Lugg has been experiencing all aspects of Luz Life. This is his review of the year 2024:
Happy new year to one and all. As we say goodbye to 2024, it’s time for my annual review of the year. A chance to reflect upon the highs and lows of twelve months in Praia da Luz. So, without further ado – here is my Luz Life review of 2024: Praia da Luz was sunny and Praia da Luz was very happy. There we go – that’s my review done – bring on 2025!
Okay, granted it’s not the most thorough review, there are a lot of things I could have added. I could have written about the quietude and tranquillity of winter with wistful walks along the wild, westerly cliffs. I could easily have gone into more detail about the waves smashing gleefully into the rocks whilst the gulls soared high upon the warm thermals.

I suppose I could have mentioned the beauty and kaleidoscopic nature of spring, with its abundance of ubiquitous wildflowers. I could have described the joyous feeling of walking in the hills without another soul in sight, my path untouched by any other footprints. Or the pleasure of taking deep breaths of fresh Algarve air, with no one to disturb me bar the birds.
And yes, I probably should have discussed more about the summer, with its cloudless skies and azure ocean- the horizon blending effortlessly together like two neatly-folded blue shirts. Oh, and of course I should have mentioned the food and the wine and the beaches and the dolphins and the kayak trips and the sunset gin and tonics. And let us not forget the daily swims in the sea; the most wonderful way to spend a lunch break.

There should also have been a sentence or two about taking my daughter down to the beach every evening, building sandcastles and jumping the waves. And popping in to see Marco at the beach kiosk to eat ice lollies and, in my case, the occasional ice cold beer (ssshh, don’t tell Mama). I could have talked much more about how this is where great memories were formed and how Daddy/Daughter relationships were bonded.

And then came the Autumn. Why didn’t I talk about the BBQ’s on the terrace and the rum and cokes that became more rum and less coke as the evening wore on. I definitely should have reminded everyone about publishing my debut novel The Squirrels of Settledown Forest. I should have said a big, heartfelt thank you to all those that bought it.
And then the winter returned and there was so much more I could have said. At the very least I should have commented how thrilled we are at Ocean Villas that all the bathrooms have been fully renovated. And how everything has been freshly painted and is looking as good as new. Why didn’t I mention that the feedback has been fantastic?

But at least I did say that Luz was sunny. And I’m even more pleased that I mentioned that Luz was happy. Because, when all is said and done, that is what Luz does really well – sunshine and happiness. I’m sure you will agree it’s a lovely combination. It’s one that the Romans sought when they settled in the town around 2000 years ago and it’s one that people will seek even more so in 2025.
I could wax lyrical about the benefits of the sun and the satisfaction of happiness, but on this occasion, I don’t think I need to. You know exactly what I mean. Like my concise review, sometimes it’s best to say little or nothing at all. So, I’ll conclude this Luz Life annual review by wishing everyone sunshine and happiness in 2025. I hope to see you in Luz soon.
More news next month.
David Lugg
All photo images owned by David Lugg